Friday, October 9, 2015

diy mercury glass acorns

Fall is here and with it comes lots of fun decorating. My Facebook and Instagram feeds are filling up with all things Autumn and it's easy to feel some serious decor envy.
Unfortunately, I promised myself awhile ago that I wasn't going to but any new home or holiday decor and make do with what I already had.

I suppose the good news is, though, that it turns out I actually have quite a bit to work with and it's been fun "challenging" myself. More good news is that Fall is the perfect season for inexpensive decor; and we live in an area where there is plenty to work with out in nature.
On our walks lately the kids have loved collecting acorns, and they get especially excited when they find them with their little "hats" on still. :)
I remembered that I still had plenty of Looking Glass spray paint from this project so I thought I would experiment with the acorns a little.

In the picture you can also see a little fake pumpkin from the dollar store, but it didn't turn out as nicely.
All this project took was several light coats of the Looking Glass spray paint. The trick to getting it to look like mercury glass is lightly spritzing vinegar between the coats of paint.
I am really pleased with the way they turned out, and my kids love the "shiny" acorns.

What Fall projects have you been working on lately? Bringing any outside elements in?

(Some links contain affiliates. All opinions are my own.)


  1. Those are so cute! Great fall decor.

  2. These are adorable for the fall!! I would love to make them in gold!!

  3. These are adorable! Very creative too!

  4. That would look nice on a coffee table. Love your family photo header btw!

  5. That looks so pretty! I definitely want to try this for Christmas; I've already maxed out my fall decor budget since all of Michael's was 50% off recently. I never would have thought to combine the looking glass spray with vinegar. Clever!

    1. I know, dang Michaels and their awesome sales! It's so hard to not spend a ton of money on decor when the holidays roll around!

  6. I love when you can take something ordinary and make it super fun like this! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Those came out great! I have yet to try mercury spray paint on anything.

    1. Really Jess? You love paint, I think this would be right up your alley. :)

  8. These are beautiful and I'd never heard of Looking Glass spray paint! That is a marvelous DIY - thank you

  9. Those are really pretty! It's amazing what a can of spray paint can do!

    1. I know, one of my favorite things in the world! With a can of spray paint I feel like I can accomplish just about anything. ;)
