Wednesday, October 7, 2015

guest post// what I've learned from motherhood

I’m Stephanie, blogger over at Wife Mommy Me. I’m a full time SAHM to Connor. I’m married to James and we live in southwest Ohio. I’ve been blogging for3 1/2 years and absolutely love it. When I’m not busy being Robin to Connor’s Batman, you’ll find me reading, watching “night time soaps”, running and enjoying far too many carbs.

Being a Mom has been the most challenging experience of my life. Simply put, motherhood has been the best thing I've ever done. But it's not always been the most amazing experience but it's one that I've learned the most from. In nearly 3 years as Connor's Momma, I've learned...

+ loving someone who doesn't know what love is or how to show love doesn't make you love them any less. If anything you love them more. So much more.

+ putting your needs to the side is never a sacrifice. It's done without thought. You would give anything to make your child's life extraordinary.

+ days are long and from time to time, suck. But it's just 24 hours. The next day can be the most wonderful day, filled with laughter, smiles and hugs. So just take it one day at a time. 

+ speaking of time, it's a dirty SOB that doesn't slow down no matter how much you beg. Embrace every moment as they go by far to quickly. 

+ you never know how much you can love your spouse until you seem them as a parent.

+ that even if you don't have motherly instincts, you will the moment you hold your child for the first time. The moment I ever touched Connor's sweet face, I knew that come Hell or high water, I would protect him against every harsh thing thrown his way. 

+ that designer bags, shoes and clothes mean very little at the local playscape. What matters is that you are engaged. That you play, that you discover.

+ you love, appreciate, respect and admire your parents a little more. Because let's face it, we weren't the easiest generation to raise.

+ being Connor's Momma is enough for me. My life truly began the moment he was conceived. 

As a parent, what's the biggest lesson you've learned? If you aren't a Mommy yet, what's the one thing you think you will love most about being a parent?

Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts with us Stephanie. Being a mother definitely teaches you lots of lessons about life.

You can find Stephanie on the following social media:


  1. I think the biggest thing I learned is to put down the smart phone and be engaged in the moment. Time goes by too fast and nothing is more important than spending moments with your child.

    1. Absolutely Jessica! Sometimes my kids actually remind me of this one by telling me to "put the phone down". So embarrassing.

  2. Aww this post made me tear up a bit : ) I'm reading it as I nurse my baby. I agree with Jessica about being present in the moment and putting away the phone - it can be really hard to do but time goes so quickly.

    1. For sure Lindsay. It seems like just yesterday my husband and I had found out I was pregnant with our oldest son... now we have four!

  3. Such a sweet list. I am amazed at just how much motherhood refines us!

  4. What a sweet post! I'm not a mother yet, but it was a comforting read nonetheless - the idea of being mother is made a little less scary! x Natalie

  5. This is so sweet. I don't have any kids yet, but I know I'll feel the same way one day! I can't wait to see my fiance as a daddy!

  6. The biggest lesson I have learned is to practice matter how many times I ask them to do something and no matter how kindly I ask...they will still choose not to listen. So patience is a virtue.

    1. Oh, I am so glad you shared that. I always used to feel like I was such a patient person... and then I had kids. Patience is something I am constantly working on now. Especially with a "threenager" on my hands!

  7. Such a sweet, heartfelt, and honest post. Time is such a mysterious and cruel thing. Sometimes those bad days just go on and on, but the years really do fly by and you miss all those sweet moments.

    1. So, so true! I had one of those horrible, no good, very bad days yesterday that just dragged and dragged and by the end I was physically and emotionally spent... but in the grand scheme of things it is really such a brief moment.

  8. Time is the most important gift that we can give to our children!

  9. I'm not a mother yet, but I can imagine how rewarding so many of these things are!
