Wednesday, July 8, 2015

guest post// strawberry lemonade

Hi I am Donna. Mom of two adorable little food monsters and wife to one big monster. For the last few years I have taken my little family on a whole food journey; and I blog about it on Whole Food Bellies. I share family friendly clean eating recipes, tips and tidbits about our experience along the way.

I aim to create happy people and happier bellies by encouraging people to cut out harmful processed foods from their diets and indulge instead in delicious and easy to prepare whole foods. I am a firm believer in the 80% rule; as long as we are eating well the majority of the time, a few treats here and there aren’t going to hurt - i.e. if I happen to make it to Paris there’s no way I am going to be missing out on fresh croissants :)

How cute are the lemonade stands little kids run everywhere in the summer? I can never turn down an excited 10 year old with their first little entrepreneurial endeavor going on :) I know as a kid, I would have been way too awkward to run something like that myself, so I always think they are pretty amazing!

I love the stands, and I always buy it because the kids are so cute, but I always find the lemonade itself to be way too sugary for my taste. I have been experimenting with a way to make some without so much added sugar, and I think I have finally hit the nail on the head. Plus, it uses up some of summers other amazing produce - strawberries! How could you say no to that combination?

Only three ingredients (four if you want it a bit sweeter) and a cinch to make. Just roast some strawberries to get them even sweeter than their fresh counterparts, puree with some fresh lemon juice and add water and ice. Voila, you have the perfect drink to cool you down in the summer months, without all the refined sugar usually thrown in there.

I have made up a couple batches of this strawberry-lemon concentrate and stored it in the freezer for fresh strawberry lemonade year round.

I hope you enjoy as much as we do!


4 cups washed and hulled strawberries
1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
4 lemons
Water or coconut water to serve


Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In a large bowl, toss the strawberries with the maple syrup until covered. Pop the strawberries on a large roasting sheet and pop into the oven for 50 minutes until roasted and gooey. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Pop the strawberries and the juice of the 4 lemons (roughly 1 cup, but adjust according to lemony preference) into a food processor and puree until smooth. To serve, add one part strawberry-lemon concentrate to 2 parts water/coconut water. Mix well, add lots of ice and enjoy.
A sprig of mint always adds a nice touch as well :)

Yum Donna! Thanks for sharing with us, this is definitely the perfect drink for Summer. :)

You can follow Donna on the following social media:


  1. ooh- I never thought to roast strawberries! I'll have to give it a try- sounds delicious!

    1. I know, right?! That's exactly what I told Donna! :)

  2. That is not only beautiful, but it sounds amazing. Really!

  3. Sounds yummy!!!! I need to try to make my own homemade lemonade... Just never have.

    1. I haven't done it for years either, and not ever any this fancy. :)

  4. Oh wow. I have to try this. Thanks for sharing

  5. Great guest post! Looks so yummy! Wish I had this last weekend for the 4th!

    1. I know, this would have been perfect for the holiday weekend! Thanks Dayne!

  6. Wow! This looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. This looks SO good! I love strawberry lemonade. Yum!

  8. Strawberry lemonade is my favorite! I love that this is such a "clean" recipe- no junk! Way to be.

    1. I agree, that's what's so nice about making things like this yourself sometimes. :)

  9. Looks so good! Lemonade is my favorite go-to drink!

  10. I'm addicted to strawberry lemonade so I definitely need to try this!

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  11. This looks so delicious! I love strawberry lemonade!

  12. My mouth is watering! It's gloomy and raining today, but this looks so refreshing for a hot day.

    1. Oh man, hope you get some Summer sunshine soon! Feel free to send some of that rain our way, we could really use it in California! :)

  13. Oh yeah, this looks amazing! Lemonade is the only juice I will drink and I love a good strawberry lemonade! Great recipe!

    1. I know, I love lemonade, especially when I'm pregnant, helps with the nauseousness. :)

  14. Yes! I actually have lemons AND strawberries in stock! Perfect summer drink. I'm all over this one. Thanks for sharing. -Misty

    1. Yay! I love it when I have everything on hand when I want to make something! :)

  15. That lemonade looks so good! What a great share for summer..thank you!


  16. I love strawberry lemonade! It's the perfect drink for a hot summer day!

  17. I really like this. and I think it's perfect for summer!

  18. Wow! That looks amazing! I love strawberry lemonade!

  19. I love that there's no added refined sugar! And the ice makes it look SO thirst quenching and delicious for summer.

  20. that looks soooooo good right now. i've been having strawberry and lemon infused water for days now. just not the same.

  21. Oooh this sounds AMAZING! I love strawberry lemonade!

  22. YUM!! This sounds awesome! My kids want to have a lemonade stand, and this will be perfect! Thanks for sharing

  23. I'll have to try this recipe for my daughters upcoming Mad Hatter Tea Party. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  24. I love lemonade so I'll definitely have to try this!

  25. Looks refreshing! I have never thought of using coconut water. I'm going to try it.

  26. This looks so yummy and refreshing!

  27. This looks amazing! I have a BBQ coming up soon that this would be perfect for.

  28. This looks awesome! I love strawberry lemonade in the summer!!

  29. This strawberry lemonade sounds so delightful! I'm always looking for a fun and fruity drink to try! Thanks :-)

  30. Oooh, I love the addition of the maple syrup!

  31. Thanks so much for having me over to guest post beautiful Justine :) Was so much fun!

  32. I am definitely have to try this. My three-year old has been on a huge lemonade kick lately and she absolutely loves strawberry lemonade.

    1. And this is a great one to indulge in because no added sugar!

  33. Oh wow - pinning this for later! Donna, you always have amazing and healthy recipes. You are such an inspiration!
