When my hubby and I were talking about paint colors for our house we pretty much agreed on having a tan color on the majority of the walls (kitchen, dining room, hallway, family room), but didn't quite see eye to eye on what color we wanted to paint an accent wall. He wanted to go with a paint color like one that we chose for our first apartment, Bear Claw by Valspar.
Don't get me wrong, it's really a nice color, I mean, we lived with it for 3 years, I must like it, right? It's like a warm, rich, spice color and it does work perfectly with our couch. But since then my design style has... matured? Changed? Evolved? And I've been trying to work in some other colors (namely red and turquoise) with our more neutral, muted color scheme. And although I knew turquoise would have worked fine with this rusty color (hello turquoise jewelry?), I wasn't so sure about red jiving with it the way I wanted. So, I made my plea for the wall color I wanted.
Which was a bit of a struggle with the hubs. His fear of it not "working" with what we have was met with, "but Navy works as a neutral! Blue is an analogous color with turquoise! And have you SEEN an American flag lately?!" His concern that it would make the space too dark was countered with, "But, it's one little wall and everything else in the space is light, I think it will be okay". And eventually, when I feared I might lose the battle I threw out, "It's one wall in one room, if we really hate it we'll repaint it."
One of the things that I love about my husband is that he usually trusts my design decisions, even when he doesn't see what I can see or agree 100%.
And, bonus, you're also getting a look at my gallery wall I just hung. Because it wouldn't be home if I didn't have a gallery wall in my family room.
Sorry about the lighting, this room gets really bad natural light all day long. |
The color is Rich Navy by Glidden and see how nice it looks with my turquoise door handle? And that tan photo mat is very similar to our wall color, so you can really see how nicely it all works together.
I said to my husband, "I really liked the color before and I didn't regret my decision to paint it navy; but now with the pictures up I LOVE it!"
Go {here} for the post on the "Anywhere you go..." sign.
Go {here} for more on that key printed throw pillow.
Go {here} for the Family Proclamation canvas I designed.
Linked to: 52 Mantels, Somewhat Simple, Labels: family room, home decor, house, paint