Wednesday, October 14, 2015

guest post// am I a stereotype?

Ashleigh is a wife and mom, who left her career in special education to stay at home with her children and travel the world. In her free time, she loves to read about history and write about romance. You can find out more on her blog SimplyWright or follow her on Instagram

Am I a stereotype?

Until recently, I never really thought about it because I've never really thought I was one. Not in high school, not in college and definitely not as a mom living in the suburbs. But guess what? That's what makes me a stereotype.

About a month ago, I took one of those quizzes that people post on Facebook about stereotypes. I guess I was bored or something because I normally don't do those sort of things. So, I took the quiz and it seriously was one of the dumbest things ever. But I took it and let the answer affect me. Like, really get under my skin and affect me.

You see, it said I was a stereotypical suburban housewife/mom. I thought, okay, yes I'm a mom living in the suburbs. But I'd never say I'm like all those other moms living in my California neighborhood, driving their SUVs, wearing their yoga pants and sports bras all day, with a bunch of kids, playdates three times a week, mommy & me classes every Friday, and host a mommy blog. I mean, I write a travel blog!

Only, I don't really host an exclusive travel blog because most of what I blog about are my family, kids and -oh gosh- mommyhood. And I do so in my yoga pants and sports bra, while my three kids run amuck and have playdates. Oh, and that SUV... I have one in silver.

I swear to you, when the answer popped up on my screen and asked if I wanted to share it on Facebook, I couldn't even get passed the idea that this dumb quiz figured out what I was before I ever did. How did answering a bunch of random questions pinpoint me into the title of Suburban Housewife when I've always thought I was different then the friends and neighbors around me?

Sure, my kids go to the same school and I write a blog just like so many other women I know. But I'm also unique and live a lifestyle -I thought- was different to others. I lived abroad with my family, had a baby in Switzerland, and we travel quite a lot throughout the year. I'm extremely frugal and hate to spend money when I don't have to. I don't let people wear shoes in my house and I clean almost half my day away (everyday). I'm weird and eccentric and don't care about a lot of the things I find the women around me care about.

But I do.

I'm a suburban housewife after all. And over the last month I've thought about what that means, to be grouped into a stereotype that I knew about but didn't think I was a part of until it smacked me in the face. I've come to pick apart the things in my life that give me this title and realized that yeah, I fit into this group and there is nothing wrong with it. If being a comfy mom who drives a nice car to fit all her wild children in, in their nice neighborhood while setting up playdates and mommy groups so I can find the time to blog about it, then I'm pretty darn lucky to be called a Suburban Housewife... a stereotype.

And as a side note, it takes nothing away from all the hard work I put into getting my college education, working my butt off for my career or taking the time off to work from home and be with my kids. We are all on our own journey and this one just happens to be mine.

What's your stereotype??

Thanks Ashleigh! I can definitely relate to this post! I love what you wrote about being lucky to be called a suburban housewife. :)

You can follow Ashleigh on the following social media:


  1. I'm sure I would get the same answer!!! I don't care, though. I'm perfectly content being who I am!

  2. I think it's ok to fit into a stereotype. But, you could call it something else, such as a "tribe" or "community"

    1. Yeah, I think sometimes the work "stereotype" has a bad connotation to it.

  3. I have also coming to realization recently that I am the "soccer mom" (except without the soccer) and I actually love it. I used to want to be a little more hipster and try to make my kids join me in my world of what I thought was cool. It turns out my kids don't like hanging out at coffee shops. They don't care about trendy clothes or concerts and when I started to embrace that and combine our worlds rather than drag them through mine then it really brought us closer and helped their behavior too. I am not all implying you should loose your identity in motherhood and I know you are not either, but there's is nothing wrong with owning that role.

  4. I have no idea what stereotype I would be. I feel like I don't fit in any, but I guess most people do. ;) but I don't have any of the above criteria for Suburban SUV, yoga pants, or sports bras in my house...and I've never been to a mommy-and-me anything. I guess I need to take that quiz!

    1. I know, I want to take it too and see what it says about me! :)
