Wednesday, June 24, 2015

this thing we call blogging

When I first started blogging (five years this coming Fall!!) there was a lot that I didn't know. I think that's fairly typical for bloggers, especially those of us that have been around for a few years, before blogging exploded like a burst of fireworks.

I didn't know how addicting it would be. Seriously.
I didn't know how time consuming it would be. You have no idea.
Most importantly, I didn't know that when you become a blogger, you become a part of a community.

I think that has been one of my favorite things about blogging, meeting an entire group of people online that I now consider to be friends. Forming a support network of people that seem to genuinely care about you and how you're doing.

And I don't want you to conjure up images of me all pasty white glued to my computer down in my basement like some nerd man-child who spends his days playing World of Warcraft and totally cut off from the outside world, with only his online life and a bag of Doritos for friends.
I mean, I don't even have a basement.

But seriously, the support that I have received from my new online friends, in this past year especially as I've been reaching out and networking more (see, I'm still learning a lot!), has been amazing to me.
As I have for the past few years, I'll be taking my annual Summer blog break in August.  As much as I love this blog, and I appreciate all of you who take the time to read, comment, pin, and share, this is always a time I look forward to to sort of recharge and relax with my family a bit.
This year, with me also being due with baby #4 at the same time, I was beginning to feel a little bit of stress, which is the opposite of how I want to feel about this blog of mine. So I reached out to some of my blogging groups and asked if anyone might be willing to guest post for me surrounding my break. I figured if I had some takers then it was a win/win. Win for me because it helped create a cushion around my break so I could prepare for baby and then ease back into things with **gulp** four kids; and win for y'all because you'd get some awesome content and maybe be exposed to some new blogs.
I was hoping to get maybe 6 responses, if I was lucky.
I got 12.
Seriously, blown away by everyone's support!

So, what does that mean for you? Starting on July 8, and every Wednesday through mid-October (but remember, not in August during my break) I'll have a new guest post from another blogger for you to enjoy!

Don't worry though, I'm not going anywhere quite yet, I still have lots of great things planned for July, and I'm working on a giveaway for September, squeal! Plus, for the first time ever I'm planning to share my birth story here on this blog once I do get back, and who doesn't like cute baby pictures combined with graphic detail? ;)

I would also like to remind everyone that as of June 30 I will no longer be accepting custom orders through my //online store//. Sales will be limited to what is currently in stock. Custom orders will resume sometime in September. :)


  1. Blogging is such a crazy hobby, right?! That's awesome that you take an annual blog break in August. Ya know, in Italy almost every single town (except for the major cities) literally shut down during the month of August so everyone can spend time with their families. It sucks while living there (and being an American who has a life that doesn't shut down), but the concept is really nice.

    1. Wow, I can't even imagine! That must be nice for them, but yeah, it would probably drive me crazy!

  2. Yeah, the community is one of the best parts about blogging. ♥

  3. Blogging is such an amazing community! I love it! I sometimes share things with my husband and he says "oh you're virtual reality friends" LOL. He doesn't get it. PS I love that whole paragraph and then "I mean, I don't even have a basement!" LOL!!!

    1. Ditto what Liz said!!
      Sharing Doritos with my pet cat ;))

    2. Don't get me wrong, I love Doritos too. :D

  4. Ooooohhh I'm so excited!!!
    I don't want to wish your blog vacay away but I can't wait for the newest babe intro and birth story!

    This is the perfect little sum up of all the blog feelings I've had over the past year, I'm going to share on my fb page if that's ok :))

    Love that you got so many guest posts! I missed out! Next blog break jot down my name ;))

    1. Aww, thanks for sharing Holly, you're the best. :-) I am also looking forward to sharing, although the time is going by way too quickly anyway so I'm not in too big of a rush, lol. And I would love to have you guest post some time!

  5. I'm glad i read your post, I started blogging about three months now and I was telling my sister the same-thing, how time consuming it is, how I cant stop even if i wanted to..and the people I have connected with...Amazing!

    1. Totally! I think you start off thinking "this will just be fun to do in my spare time", and then it starts taking all your time, lol.

  6. LOVE this post! I, too, have found the community incredible... I've been blogging a little more than a year, though I've had my blog five years this fall. I wish I'd taken it seriously five years ago. The support here is amazing! Love that you're taking a blog break in August... I may need one too as I'll be starting my new job at the beginning of August!

    1. I know Kate, I wish I'd started making connections like this a long time ago. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment! And good luck on your new job!

  7. Blogging is addicting for sure. I love the community of bloggers I've met as a result of blogging. Enjoy your vacation and time with your family. May your delivery be quick and without any complications.

  8. I can't believe you are having your FOURTH! Momma, you are amazing! And good for you for taking a break! It's so consuming this blog thing! Enjoy it! xox

    1. You say amazing, I say a glutton for punishment, lol. ;) Just kidding!

  9. First off, paragraph 4. Hilarious. Well done, as usual!
    Also, I was pretty bummed to read the news, but simultaneously rooting for you. Enjoy that baby and I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying we look forward to the baby pictures! Enjoy your time :) You'll be missed.

    1. Aww, thank you so much Brooke! That's so sweet of you!

  10. I had no idea how fun, addicting, time consuming and wonderful blogging would be! It has changed my life for the completely changed my life for the better! Happy 5 years this Fall!!

  11. Congrats on 5 blogging years! I loved everything you said and fully agree! I'll miss your posts in August but I what a wonderful thing to do for yourself. I also can't wait to hear your birth story. Yay!!

  12. Love this blogging community too! So smart to plan ahead and give yourself a break while you're prepping for becoming a mom of four. And I'm looking forward to the birth story! I'm pretty obsessed with cute baby pics + graphic details these days ;)

    1. Haha Nina, I always hope for not too graphic, but it is childbirth so what are you gonna do? ;)

  13. totally agree! I've made sooo many awesome blogging friends :) congrats on 5 years, too! I'm up there with ya :)


  14. Wow, 5 years?? Congrats! Everything you said here is so true. Blogging is a lot of work, but the payoff in friendships is totally worth it. I am so excited for pics of that sweet little one, graphic birth story and all!!

  15. Yay, birth stories and baby pics are my favorite!!

  16. Right? And it's crazy what a small world it is. You must have grown up in "North Stake." My SIL is Kimber and I am friends with Richelle and Tamra. I grew up next door in "South Stake." Funny that I noticed you on blogging forums on FB. Good luck with the your new little one on the way! I had my 3rd almost 7 months ago and boy the time flies by at light speed. Crazy.

    1. LOL, it's a small blogging world indeed. I remember sometimes I would be talking to somebody in the Huntington Beach Stake, & I refer to it as "South Stake", and they would be quick to correct me. :-)
      Thanks so much for stopping by, big fan of your blog and your new adventure you're preparing for!
