Picture overload today! I figured, why go on and on when the pictures can speak for me. ;) If only I had a wide angle lens or something, I'd be golden.
I am really so pleased with how it all came together: the new paint color, the gallery wall, repainting their dresser from purple to gray... I love being in here now! Even if it is a little crowded and let's not even talk about the fact that eventually we'll have to fit three girls in this room.
You can check out the full evolution of this room in the following posts:
Baby girl nursery in our rental house: http://littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-nursery-for-little-miss.html
First version of this room in our current house: http://littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-vintage-alice-in-wonderland-themed.html
Repainting the walls: http://www.littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2015/04/picking-perfect-paint-color.html
And you can see various projects on the gallery wall in these posts:
How to fake art skills (tracing an Alice dress): http://littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-to-fake-art-skills.html
ReStore Record Redo (framing a vintage record): http://littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2013/05/restore-record-redo.html
Tissue Paper Pom-Poms: http://littledovecreations.blogspot.com/2012/08/tissue-paper-poms.htmlLabels: bedrooms, house, paint