Wednesday, September 25, 2013

just a little trim off the top

This could be a post about when good DIY goes bad... or at least, when things don't go according to plan and take much longer than anticipated. Which as any DIYer will be happy and quick to inform you-- happens quite often. So, here's the situation, we have this massive row of juniper bushes in the front of our house.
Pros: Deer don't eat them, they do smell nice, they provide a natural barrier to keep my kids from running out into the street, those things pretty much cannot die so I really don't need to do anything to them (aka, they're very low maintenance).
Cons: I hate them, they attract spiders and spider webs like crazy, they drop gazillions of needles on the ground, if a portion of the plant does happen to die off then you have this big brown patch of branches in the middle of your juniper plant.
And I hate them, which is probably most important.
But, the hubby and I have decided to grant them a pardon, at least for Phase 1 of our yard makeover (which should be done sometime in the next decade). So since they will be gracing us with their presence a little longer, I decided to finally give them a little haircut so they at least wouldn't look so wild. The hubby (bless his heart), in all his spare time (ha), started a little bit a few days ago, so yesterday afternoon I went out there with my mom and we tackled that hairy bushy beast a little more.
I mean, it doesn't even look like I did anything, which can be REALLY frustrating. You know? It's like when you're a stay at home mom and at the end of the day after working SO hard the house still looks like a tornado touched down, the kids are running around naked and you're sitting in a corner quietly humming to yourself.
Hey, sometimes you just have those days.
But, I digress.
Anyway, so this trim that I had hoped would be a quick nap time job is going to turn into another epic battle, much like my encounter with the stumps by my front deck.

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