diy infinity scarf

Last week I shared my latest “How We Wore It” post that Brooke from Silver Lining blog organizes. This was my second time taking part and I have really been enjoying it! The whole point is to recreate an outfit from an inspiration photo with things you already own, forcing you to think outside the box a little bit.

Confession time, for this last outfit I cheated a little bit. (Shh, don’t tell anyone!) I knew that I didn’t have a scarf like the one in the photo, nor did I own anything in plaid like that at all. However, I also know that I’m still working on converting my southern California wardrobe to a northern California wardrobe and it’s a slow process.
It was raining the other day and someone at the gas station said to me, “You’re wearing sandals?!” Lady, I grew up two miles from the beach, flip flops are appropriate for all occasions (including my own wedding) and all types of weather. But I digress…
So, I decided I would buy some fabric and make a scarf to go along with my outfit. It was really inexpensive to make and it has since become my new favorite winter accessory!

I was just kind of making it up as I went along, yet despite that from start to finish it took me less than 10 minutes to sew up! I tried to take lots of photos of the process because it might be kind of hard for me to explain, but hopefully the pictures will help you out.

Start with one yard of fabric and after washing it, cut it exactly in half. You're left with two, skinnier yard long pieces. You could also buy a half yard, it would just involve a little extra sewing.

Then fold the fabric in half lengthwise again and sew one straight seam (about ¼”) across the entire open long side. Then turn your fabric right side out again. You’ll now be left with one long “tube” of fabric with two open ends that need to be sewed together.
Twist the fabric “tube” a few times to create some twists before sewing together. Put the right sides/outsides of the fabric together and sew a seam (about ¼”) along the entire edge of the “tube” openings, leaving about two inches open so you can turn the scarf right side out again.
Once the scarf is right side out again, sew up the two inch opening as close to the edge as possible. If you have a fabric like mine you won’t even be able to see it once you’re done because the seam will blend into the pattern of the fabric.

So, what do you think? Clear as mud? Feel free to ask me any questions for clarity! I’ll try my best. ;)

Have you been doing any sewing lately? Also, do you wear sandals all year and if so, where are you from? Or, am I just crazy?

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