our favorite games

(Some links contain affiliates, all opinions are my own.)

Can you believe we're halfway through October already? The weather is starting to turn and it's the perfect time of year to invite some friends over, make some popcorn, and have a fun game night in front of a toasty fire!
I shared this post this past spring on Amber's blog, When Is Nap Time?, but I thought now would be the perfect time to share it here! Plus, this can get you thinking if you're ready to start Christmas shopping, games are always a great idea!

//Favorite Family Games//
These are the games that our kids love playing with us, and are "simple" enough for both my five year old and three year old to play. They're great because they also reinforce things they're learning, like colors and shapes.
//Favorite Couples Games//
Most of these are games that just two people can play, which is nice because sometimes that's hard to find, and there's only so many times you can play Battleship. If we can wrangle some other couples over for a game night, they're great with other people too.
//Favorite Card Games//
We like card games here, one reason being because we don't necessarily all have to be sitting around a table to play, we can play on the couch or the family room floor. It's also usually easy to play with a big group of people, especially if you get more then one game deck .
There are definitely lots of other games that we enjoy, but there is no way I could list all the games we own (well, I could, but you might think I have a hoarding problem or something). A few other honorable mentions are:

What are some of your favorite games to play?

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